09 January 2022

Thimphu Thromde along with the Thromde Thuemis are at the Lungtenphu (Chang Jalu) and Chubogang (Babesa) DOCs giving awareness on how to segregate waste and how to use the DOCs effectively. With the aim to cater to those who are not able to meet the regular waste collection schedule, we hope the DOCs encourage the public to be mindful and responsible for their waste by not engaging in illegal dumping and littering of wastes. 

On 15 January, we will be at the Changzamtok DOC and on 16 January, we will be at the Changbangdu DOC conducting awareness for the public.

If you weren't able to join us or have missed the awareness programme in your locality, you can read our brochure here: https://bit.ly/3HLUb2v

If you don't know where the DOCs are located in your area, you can find the maps here: http://thimphucity.bt/waste-drop-centers or alternatively, you can check out our videos (https://www.facebook.com/thimphuthromdebt/videos) to figure out how to get there.