The Secretariat Services

The Secretariat Services of Thimphu Thromde headed by the Chief Administrative Officer consists of Human Resource Services, Information Communication and Technology Services, Policy and Planning Services, Internal audit services, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Public Library services, Vehicle services, Thromde WorkForce and Asset Management services.

Vision of Secretariat Service

Ensure effective and efficient support services in achieving Thimphu Thromde Goals.

Mission of Secretariat Service 

  1. Ensure effective and efficient delivery of common support services through Planning and policy services, human resource & management services, Internal Audit services, information and communication technology services, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Public Library services,  Vehicle Services, Thromde WorkForce services, and Asset Management Services.

Mandates of Secretariat Service

  1. To provide strategic human resource management and facilitate efficient administrative services to Thromde;

  2. To coordinate and implement the Thromde plans and provide efficient reporting services;

  3. To provide a networked information and communication system to facilitate timely access to information for Thromde;

  4. To provide effective and efficient library access to the Thimphu Thromde public

  5. To provide effective and efficient Transport services to the line divisions;

  6. To ensure the wellbeing of Thromde workforce and to provide efficient work force to the line divisions;

  7. To maintain effective and efficient Thromde asset management data;

  8. Provide agencies with independent and objective assurance on the efficiency and effectiveness of the entity's governance, risk management, control and accountability processes.

