The Policy and Planning Section functions under the Secretariat and is currently manned by a Planning Officer and a Project Monitoring and Coordination Officer (MCO). Earlier the job of Policy and Planning Section was carried out by the Administration Unit under Administration and Finance Division. The Section has been mandated with the following responsibilities and also carried other administrative responsibilities as deemed required by the Management:
Core Mandate of the Section
1. Draft Five Year Plans in consultation with all Division and Sections based on the guidelines and directives of the Gross National Happiness Commission.
2. Monitoring the implementation of the Five Year Plans by ensuring that the annual plans are based on the Five Year Plans.
3. In coordination with all Divisions and Sections, conduct Mid Term and End Year Review of the Five Year Plans.
4. Preparation of Annual Performance Agreement (APA) and update in the GPMS system before the budget has been prepared.
5. Assist in Budget preparation and during the budget discussion.
6. Mid Term and Year review of Annual Performance Agreement leading the Internal Review
Committee (IRC).
7. Facilitate review of Annual Performance Agreement by the National Technical Committee.
8. Submit project proposals seeking funds through Gross National Happiness Commission.
9. Monitoring and evaluation of all projects and submission of progress reports and year-end reports to all relevant Ministries and agencies.
10. Functions as a bridge between Gross National Happiness Commission and Thimphu Thromde.
Other Responsibilities of the Section
1. The section also serves as the secretariat for the Thromde Council which requires drafting of minutes, record keeping and necessary follow-up actions.
2. Coordinate and Conduct Monthly Management meetings and Thromde Council meetings every 3 months.
3. The Section also serves as the focal point for Disaster Management, Department of Local Governance and Dzongkha Development Commission.