
The Infrastructure Division is one of the divisions of Thimphu Thromde and is responsible for carrying out infrastructure development works within the various constituencies of the Thromde in alignment with the Thimphu Structural Plan. Our goal is to provide the public and residents of Thimphu Thromde with basic infrastructure facilities to support local economic growth and improve quality of life. The division oversees the design and execution of various infrastructure projects, including roads, water and sanitation systems, bridges, institutional buildings, parks, and recreational areas within the city.


Goals and Objectives

  • To ensure that the residents of Thimphu Thromde are provided with an accessible road network, clean drinking water and good sanitation facilities.
  • To ensure high availability and reliability of the infrastructure within the city.
  • To monitor the infrastructure development projects diligently to analyze the performance of the infrastructures for continuous improvement.
  • To contribute to the local economy growth by proposing and developing sustainable infrastructures.
  • To enhance the community engagement and the community vitality.
  • To provide the schools within the Thromde jurisdiction with a quality infrastructure.
  • To ensure a collective collaboration with the various stakeholders in promoting sustainable infrastructures to meet the changing needs of the society.

Division Structure



Infrastructure Planning and Design Section

  • Plan, design and propose climate resilient and sustainable infrastructures.
  • Incorporate sustainable engineering practices to ensure durable, reliable and quality infrastructure.
  • Review the public demands and prioritize, in consultation with the relevant stakeholders, for enhanced efficiency.
  • Enhance the local economy by encouraging the use of locally available raw materials and utilizing local workforce for infrastructure projects.
  • Research and integrate technology into the development of city infrastructures.


Infrastructure Development Section

  • Monitor and supervise the infrastructure development projects to ensure they are completed within the specified timeframe and budget.
  • Comply with and enforce the construction standards and regulations to certain the safety in the workplace and construction of quality infrastructure within the city.
  • Prepare, review and present the progress report of the Thromde projects to identify and address issues, enhance transparency, and develop a clear understanding of the project for the successful completion of the infrastructure development.
  • Incorporate innovative and ethical engineering practices during the project management of the Thromde infrastructure development projects.
  • Continuously review the current standards and regulations and propose innovative solutions, in collaboration with the Infrastructure Design and Planning Section (IPDS), to keep up with the changing needs.