Thimphu Thromde would like to notify the general public that there has been an increasing trend of open burning of construction wastes, dried vegetation from the backyard and orchards and dry household wastes, posing higher risk to fire hazards and increasing air pollution within the valley. The "Waste prevention and Management Regulation 2012" clearly prohibits such acts and Thromde in collaboration with the Fire Division, RBP and Department of Forests and Parks Services would like to request the cooperation of the resident to avoid open burning to curb high risk of forest fire disasters in the country as well. Thromde will arrange transportation to collect the vegetation debris for disposal to Memelakha every Saturday, in addition to the door to door waste collection services rendered by Greenerway and clean City. Thimphu Thromde in close consultation with other stakeholders will be monitoring any incidence of smoke emission and will levy penalty of Nu.1000 per occasion.