Littering and illegal dumping of waste on the streets and drains can cause significant environmental issues, the main one being blocking of stormwater drains which increases flooding and erosion during monsoon soon. The recent rainfall and the subsequent flooding caused havoc for the public as well as Thromde. Upon clearing the blockages, we discovered a lot of waste from PET bottles to blankets which significantly contributed to the blockages.
Thimphu Thromde is aware of what we need to do to address the problem: we have new garbage trucks that are on their way and we have constructed drop-off centres in 9 locations across the city to address the rising issue of not being able to meet the timing of waste collection services
We would like to assure the public that we will do our best to ensure we find strategic ways to address the issue of mounting waste in the city and that there is no flooding on the streets of Thimphu city during the next monsoon season. However, waste management is not an issue that can be solved by the Thromde alone. It is equally important to understand that the actions of each individual can make a major difference in how we deal with waste. Everyone needs to start making changes in their daily habits to ensure we are producing less waste and that the waste we do produce is being managed and dumped properly.